

Deploying a Image Recognition Service to AWS Lambda

  10/10/2024, 4:53:01 PM
Cover Image

The source code is available in my repository.

Start a New Project

First, create an new virtual environment:

Terminal window
python -m venv ~/pyvenvs/lambda

I used venv for creating the environment, and I named it lambda and placed it in the ~/pyvenvs directory. You may use any other environment manager and name as you wish.

I will name the project resnet-image-recognition:

Terminal window
mkdir resnet-image-recognition
cd resnet-image-recognition

The Python packages we are going to use are

Project structure:

├── resnet_image_recognition
│ ├──
│ ├── resnet
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── ...
│ └── image_recognizer
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── app
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── auth
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └── handlers
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── models
│ └── resnet50-0676ba61.pth
├── api-keys.txt
├── Dockerfile
└── .gitignore

Define the Restnet50 Architecture

When I was learning the Resnet, I found the original implementation is not that easy to understand. So, I implemented the Resnet model using PyTorch from scratch and add a lot of comments. Hope it will help you.

I put my source code for the Resnet in the sub-package resnet_image_recognition/resnet. Check it here. In this project, we will be using Resnet50.

To use the model for inference, we also need the pretrained weights (.pt or .pth files). You can download the one provided by PyTorch from here.

Save it under the model directory.

Implement the ImageRecognizer using the Resnet50 Model

We are now going to create a simple ImageRecognizer class powered by the Resnet50 model. It has a recognize method, which takes a PIL image as input and returns the class of that image.

from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image as im
import torch
from torchvision import transforms
from ..resnet import ResNet50
from .imagenet_classes import IMAGENET_CLASSES
class ImageRecognizer:
def __init__(self, model_path: Path) -> None:
# Load the state dict
state_dict = torch.load(model_path)
# Create an empty model
self._model = ResNet50()
# Set the pretrained weights
# Set evaluation mode
def recognize(self, image: im.Image) -> str:
Recognizes the class of an image.
image : Image
The input image.
The name of the class of the given image.
# Resize the image
resized_image = transforms.Resize((224, 224))(image)
# Convert to tensor
image_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()(resized_image)
# Add batch dimension
image_tensor = torch.unsqueeze(image_tensor, 0)
# Run inference
# The probabilities for each class are returned
probs = self._model(image_tensor)
# Find the class with the highest probability
class_index = torch.argmax(probs).item()
# Get the class name
class_name = IMAGENET_CLASSES[class_index]
return class_name

The constant IMAGENET_CLASSES is a tuple consiting of 1000 classes from the ImageNet dataset. You may check its value here in my repository.

Build a FastAPI App — Deliver the Deep Learning Model as an HTTP Service

The core functionality of the service is done. To let other users to use our ImageRecognizer, we need create an API that handles users’ requests and invokes the ImageRecognizer as a backend service.

Every FastAPI app reqires a global app instance to be defined.

from fastapi import FastAPI
# Create an app instance
app = FastAPI()

As a standard procedure, we expose the app instance in the

from .app import app
__all__ = [

However, we are not going to use this app (directly) in this project. But for a general FastAPI project, this is what we need.

For this project, as you will see, we will wrap the app further with a Mangum adapter in a later section.

Health Check

To get started, first create a health_check API, which simply returns a short message indicating that the server is up and running.

(health_check is the Hello, World API in the backend development.)

def health_check():
return {
"message": "I am ok",

Function like health_check defined above are oftern referred to as handlers since they handle the incoming requests.

Next, register a route for the health_check:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from .handlers import (
# Create an app instance
app = FastAPI()
# Register routes

app.get specifies that the request method is GET. For POST methods, use

Recognize Image

import io
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image as im
from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import UploadFile
MODELS_DIR = Path.cwd().joinpath("models")
MODEL_PATH = MODELS_DIR.joinpath("resnet50-0676ba61.pth")
class RecognizeImageResponse(BaseModel):
class_name: str
async def recognize_image(
image: UploadFile,
) -> RecognizeImageResponse:
# Read the image
image_bytes = await
# Create a byte stream from the raw bytes
image_byte_stream = io.BytesIO(image_bytes)
# Open the image
image =
from resnet_image_recognition import ImageRecognizer
# Create the image recognizer
image_recognizer = ImageRecognizer(MODEL_PATH)
# Recognize
class_name = image_recognizer.recognize(image)
return RecognizeImageResponse(class_name=class_name)

Register a route for the recognize_image:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from .handlers import (
# Create an app instance
app = FastAPI()
# Register routes

Final Touch — Mangum Adapter

Wrap the app instance into the Mangum adapter:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from .handlers import (
# Create an app instance
app = FastAPI()
# Register routes
# Wrap the app instance into the Mangum adapter
handler = Mangum(app)

Expose the variable handler in, which will be used as the entrypoint of the container. The service will be started via app.handler.

from .app import app
from .app import app, handler
__all__ = [

Write a Dockerfile for Building the Image

# Base image
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 python:3.11
# Copy files
# Copy the package source
COPY ./resnet_image_recognition ./resnet_image_recognition
# Copy the FastAPI app source
COPY ./app ./app
# Copy model weights
COPY ./models ./models
# Copy API keys
COPY ./api-keys.txt .
# Install dependencies
# Install dependencies
RUN pip install awslambdaric pydantic "fastapi[standard]" mangum
# Install PyTroch for Linux
RUN pip install torch torchvision --index-url
# Set runtime interface client as default command for the container runtime
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/local/bin/python", "-m", "awslambdaric" ]
# Pass the name of the function handler as an argument to the runtime
CMD [ "app.handler" ]

You can build and tag the image now if you are familiar with Docker. Or, you can check the next section for how to build and push the image to AWS ECR.

Build and Push the Docker Image to AWS ECR

ECR (Elastic Container Registry) is an AWS service that you can store, share and deploy container images.

When deploying an AWS Lambda function using Docker images, you are prompted to choose an image from the ECR.

Enter the ECR console, you will see the following UI. Click Create repository and following the instructions.

After that, click the link to the repository you have created and then click the View push commands button to see the help messages like the following for building and pushing Docker images to ECR.

Create a Lambda Function using the Docker Container

Enter the AWS Lambda console and click Create function:

Choose Container image and click Browse image to select the previously uploaded image from ECR.

Recall that we set the linux/amd64 platform for the container image. So, here choose the x86_64 architecture.

Then click Create function and wait for it.

Create a Funciton URL

Now, your funciton can only be invoked for authenticated AWS users or you other AWS services.

To make it accessible for all users via HTTP requests, you need to generate a function URL.

Set General Configuration

When you invoke the function now, you will possibly encounter the errors of timeout or out of memeory. This is because of the limited resources assigned to the cloud function.

You may assign more resources like time limit and memeory usage by setting the following configuration:

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